Nutrition in Nepal

Malnutrition in Nepal is higher compared to WHO global standards accounting for 25% stunted, 19% underweight and 8% wasted children below 5 years (NDHS, 2022). Malnutrition impacts the growth and development of children; impairs physical and cognitive potential, morbidity, and mortality during childhood are linked with malnutrition. Studies show that investment in nutrition at early stages provides up to 16-time returns in the future. The overall development of a nation cannot be achieved without the improvement in the nutritional status of the country.


Malnutrition is a multifaceted problem. The causes of malnutrition are diverse ranging from basic to immediate. The causes and impact of malnutrition are across various sectors; thus, a single sector-focused intervention is not enough to solve the issue. A coordinated approach from health, agriculture, livestock, education, water, sanitation and Hygiene, Women and Children, and the government sector along with strong community engagement is required to enhance nutrition security.

Our approach

LANN+: A multisectoral approach

LANN stands for “Linking Agriculture and Natural Resource Management towards Nutrition”. In 2009, Welthungerhilfe (WHH) in coalition with 7 other non-government organizations in Laos developed a food-based nutrition training package called LANN for remote communities highly affected by malnutrition. Since then, WHH has been integrating LANN+ as a flagship program in various projects worldwide. The multi-sectoral LANN+ approach is centered around family nutrition and has an explicit focus on integrating nutrition-sensitive sectoral elements that address underlying and basic causes of malnutrition to achieve nutrition security. The focus is on :

  • The linkages between natural resources and nutrition.
  • The linkages between agriculture and nutrition.
  • The linkages between WASH and nutrition.
  • The linkages between income generation, markets, nutrition, and
  • The linkages between nutrition education and nutrition practices.
LANN+ Pillars



Agriculture is one of the key sectors of the LANN+ approach. Agriculture and nutrition have a close relationship however it is often significantly disconnected, and only considered agriculture’s role in just providing calories, income, and economic growth.


Natural Resource Management

Natural resources are one of the key sources of food, nutrition, and income for communities residing in rural areas. Many studies have shown that indigenous and traditional communities are living in harmony with nature and fulfilling their food....


Income Genenration

Households’ involvement in income-generating activities increases their access to cash resources, which is crucial in improving the purchasing power and abilities to invest in food and health, hence, sustainably strengthening the livelihoods.


Nutrition Education

The crux of the LANN approach is learning and action. Nutrition education is essential in improving nutrition status. It tries to identify the gaps in food consumption, diet composition, and feeding practices and builds learning materials...



Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) play a vital role in improving nutritional outcomes. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), 50% of malnutrition is associated with repeated diarrhea or intestinal worm infections....

Story of Change


NERP Camp: Rehabilitation of Malnourished Children

The nutrition Education and Rehabilitation Program (NERP) focuses on rehabilitating malnourished children using local resources and participation and enabling the family to maintain the nutritional status of their children even after completion of the NERP by promoting behavior changes on various aspects like preparation of nutritious recipes, consumption of wild edible plants.


The PLA Nutrition session on gender equality brings behavior change in a family

Ruby valley is a beautiful rural municipality of Northern Dhading lying at the foothills of Ganesh Himal. The geography of Ruby valley rural municipality is difficult with limited access to roads, inadequate infrastructure and lack of access to market. The cold weather additionally makes the lifestyle tough for people residing in remote Ruby Valley.


Success Story Three

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1961.



Newly Elected Local Government Representatives received Training on the Local Planning Process

Nepal government provides a space for community people to identify, prioritize and submit plans formally at the ward level via the settlement level panning process i.e., a 7-step planning process. During the process, the ward representatives have a key role in generating plans from the settlement level and submitting them at the ward level to integrate into Palika’s annual plan.


Pickle-Making Training for Livelihood Improvement

Two days of “Pickle Making Training” was successfully organized in Gangajamuna and Khaniybas municipalities of Dhading district from 1-4 December 2022. The training was organized aiming to develop skills in pickle-making and improving livelihood through small businesses. It was organized in coordination with respective rural municipalities. Further, the training was effective in demonstrating the importance of value-addition skills and utilization of locally available resources.


Civil Society’s role is crucial for enhancing food and nutrition security

Access to food and nutrition is a basic human right and is a key determinant of economic development of any country. Nepal’s development process is challenged by food insecurity and poor nutrition status. The cases of child undernutrition leading to both chronic and acute malnutrition such as wasting, and stunting are prevalent in Nepal. There is a wide disparity in food and nutrition status amongst different ecological regions.

Ongoing Projects


Poshan Sudhar

“Citizen empowerment to improve food and nutrition security of vulnerable populations in Rolpa district, Lumbini province, Nepal (POSHAN SUDHAR)” with financial support from BMZ/German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and Welthungerhilfe (WHH) being implemented by Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) ...


Regional program for promoting a multisectoral approach for nutrition-smart villages in Bangladesh, Nepal, and India

The objective of the project is to contribute to food and nutrition security (SDG2) among women of reproductive age and young children from vulnerable and food-insecure families in Nepal, Bangladesh, and India. In Nepal, the project is being implemented in Rajgadi Rural Municipality...


Advocacy and strengthening resilience through LANN

LI-BIRD and Aasaman Nepal (ASN) with financial support from BMZ/German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and Welthungerhilfe (WHH) are scaling up the LANN+ approach in six rural municipalities of Dhading and Salyan under LANN+ project. The duration of the project ...

Our Publications


पारिवारिक पोषण र खाद्य सुरक्षामा जङ्गली खानयोग्य वनस्पतिको योगदान |
पोषण सुरक्षाका लागि कृषि, खानेपानी स्वच्छता तथा सरसफाई र प्राकृतिक संसाधन व्यवस्थापन बीच अन्तरसम्बन्ध (लान प्लस)|
खोले सागको उत्पादन र उपभोग किन ?


स्तनपानको महत्व |

पूरक खाना (मात्रा, पटक र बाक्लोपन) |खाना (मात्रा, पटक र बाक्लोपन) |

पोषिलो पूरक वा थप खाना |

पोषण शिक्षा तथा पुनस्र्थापना कार्यक्रमकालेसिफारिस गरेकोखानाकोसुचि |


Wild Edible Plants in Three Northern Municipalities of Dhading, Nepal – Current Use and Future Potential.Municipalities of Dhading, Nepal – Current Use


स्तनपानको महत्व |

पूरक खाना (मात्रा, पटक र बाक्लोपन) |खाना (मात्रा, पटक र बाक्लोपन) |

पोषिलो पूरक वा थप खाना |

पोषण शिक्षा तथा पुनस्र्थापना कार्यक्रमकालेसिफारिस गरेकोखानाकोसुचि |


Rural Reconstruction Nepal
German cooperation
Aasaman Nepal

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.But must explain you how all this mistaken idea noun pleasure and praising pain was born and will give apete account of the system and expound the actual teachings the great explorer of the truth the master

    Pleasure and praising pain was born and willccount of system and expound the actual teachin egshe great explorer of ttruth the master builder human ness rejects dislikes avoids

    Pleasure and praising pain was born and willccount of system and expound the actual teachin egshe great explorer of ttruth the master builder human ness rejects dislikes avoids

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    Pleasure and praising pain was born and willccount of system and expound the actual teachin egshe great explorer of ttruth the master builder human ness rejects dislikes avoids


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