Interaction with LANN group at Salyan

Gender and social inclusion (GESI) is one of the key cross-cutting themes of the LANN approach.

Gender and social inclusion (GESI) is one of the key cross-cutting themes of the LANN approach.  Empowerment of women, socially disadvantaged, and vulnerable groups through targeting and participation in capacity-building activities and inclusion in PLA sessions are key pathways of change adopted. The LANN+ believes that nutrition is a multi-sectoral approach, and the social aspect has a huge impact on realizing the end goal of improved nutrition and reduced malnutrition. Hence gender equality and community empowerment through the Participatory Learning Approach (PLA), and right-based approaches are important elements of LANN+.

Policy research and evidence-based advocacy is adopted as a means of generating field-based evidence on LANN+ and utilizing it for its integration in governmental policies and plans. LANN+ uses right-based advocacy (RbA) tools for promoting collective effort and sensitizing the local community and government and reaching out to the provincial and federal government for prioritization of nutrition-sensitive agendas.

LANN+ promotes good governance and accountability. It believes the good governance and accountability in service providers and service receivers plays a crucial role in achieving the goal.    Community score cards (CSC) and social audits are key tools for accountability.LANN+ uses several different participatory interactive tools: theater, role-playing, quiz small group activities, and other activities that involve all household members, and in particular women. Policy research findings are shared through publication and audio-video mediums.